High performance rowing - for generations
In the field of sport, rowing undeniably occupies a special place in our hearts. At the Dortmund Rowing Performance Centre, the training conditions are improved by our support. In addition, we support U23 young athletes individually by awarding scholarships and planning their careers.
More than in any other funding area, the Wilo-Foundation’s activities in the field of rowing are deeply rooted in the tradition of the Opländer founding family. Dr.-Ing. h.c. Jochen Opländer has been supporting top rowing athletes for decades – like his grandfather Louis and his father Wilhelm before him. The Dortmund-based Hansa rowing club (Ruderclub Hansa e.V.) acknowledged his achievements by making Jochen Opländer an honorary club member.
In the Olympic Year 2012 the German Eight appointed him as their honorary captain. As part of the 2019 World Championships in Linz, the then President of the German Rowing Association (DRV), Siegfried Kaidel, presented him with the plaque for special merits. This is the highest award of the German Rowing Association, which Ralf Holtmeyer and Karl Adam have previously received, for example.