Clean water for a healthy life in dignity

Wilo-Foundation supports construction of a well for a health centre in Togo.

In just a few weeks, the Centre de Santé (health centre) in Klologo, a village community in the southeast of Togo, will finally have permanent access to clean water. The village consists of six districts with relatively long distances between them. Currently, the health station in Klologo obtains the water it uses from mostly unprotected surface waters, which in the past often caused numerous diseases. Many women leave the hospital immediately after giving birth in order to protect themselves and their child from diseases caused by contaminated water. A situation that will soon be a thing of the past.

Back in 2020, the first two wells were inaugurated in the village with 5,000 inhabitants. They now provide water for the people in three village districts. This was made possible by the association Kekeli Togo e.V. based in Hof, Germany, which raised many regional donations and organised a solar-powered pump, funded by the Wilo Group. The Kekeli Togo association has been working since 2019 to improve the living conditions of children and youth from disadvantaged families in Klologo by implementing various projects locally. The association’s founder and chairman, Michel Kossih Frenzel-Assih from Togo, has been living in Hof for several years and is providing sustainable support for his home community of Klologo through various social projects.

In future, the new well that is being constructed at the Centre de Santé, in combination with the new water piping system connected to the well, will provide water for the other three village districts of Klologo. Most of the work is being carried out by experienced local companies. The senior villagers responsible for the project, the village development committee (Comité Villageois du Développement, CVD) and the village chief are keen to ensure that the inhabitants of Klologo are involved actively in the project work. Currently, several villagers are working as volunteers and are digging up the ground so that the pipes of the water supply system can be installed. They have also set up the structure of the elevated water tank that has a storage capacity of 10,000 litres. Currently, the members of the villagers’ committee are being trained. They will accompany the commissioning of the water supply system and be responsible for its maintenance. The well will probably be operational in September of this year.

Safe access to clean water will change the lives of the people in the Klologo community and create sustainable opportunities for them – so they can live a healthy and independent life in dignity.

For further information, please go to Kekeli Togo e.V.



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