Scholarship holders visit NRW Junior Ballet

Wilo-Foundation invited to backstage tour and ballet visit at Dortmund Theatre.

"Totally surprising", "impressive body control", "unbelievable intensity" - that was the verdict of several Germany Scholarship holders who were invited by the Wilo-Foundation to attend the performance of the NRW Junior Ballet, which it has been supporting for 10 years, at Dortmund Opera House on 19 June. For most of the students, it was their first ever visit to a ballet performance - and they were quite astonished! In "Da Vinci Mode", a project with original creations for the NRW Junior Ballet, the young ballet ensemble embarked on a journey to find out what is hidden behind paintings by famous painters. A performance that will certainly be remembered for a long time to come.

Since its foundation in 2014, the NRW Junior Ballet's talent academy in Dortmund has successfully trained internationally outstanding dance talents in a kind of trainee programme with the aim of enabling them to join professional ballet ensembles and thus secure the next generation of dancers throughout the country and for the Dortmund Ballet. The programme, which was launched as a pilot project in 2014, has been running since then under the direction of Xing Peng Wang, who has been a successful ballet director at Theater Dortmund since 2003.

Before the performance, Evi Hoch and David Höltgen from the Wilo-Foundation welcomed the students to the Dortmund Theatre Opera House. They had already been welcomed there by Sayaka Wakita and Alexander Kalouti from Dortmund Theatre. Mr Kalouti shared with the guests the exciting history of the Dortmund Theatre, which, like the Konzerthaus Dortmund, has its origins in civic involvement from the business community. A special highlight followed with an exclusive tour of the building and backstage by Stefan Gawronski, the theatre's technical director. Looking down from the attic to the stage floor, 23 metres below, only through bars, made some people feel queasy for a moment, but everyone survived the day's test of courage perfectly and were able to enjoy the snack that followed. To everyone's delight, ballet director Xin Peng Wang personally greeted the students at the cosy get-together and got the group in the mood for the ballet evening to follow.

After more than 90 minutes of impressive stage acrobatics, the foundation's "cultural impulse" ended with astonished eyes and the certainty that this would certainly not be the last visit to the ballet.


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