Enactus World Cup: “Action with Africa”

Wilo-Foundation and Wilo Group renew their commitment as part of the Enactus World Cup.

The Enactus “Action with Africa” race is a new challenge that was launched officially at the kick-off event on 27 January; the awards will be presented for the first time in 2022 (in October). The contest gives student teams an opportunity to work on entrepreneurial project ideas that are developed in collaboration with civil society on the African continent and are aimed at creating jobs and help to overcome the consequences of the COVID-19 crisis and promote sustainability in society.

The main sponsor of the challenge is the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), in collaboration with Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ). In addition, various private partners such as the Wilo-Foundation and companies such as the Wilo Group also support the project financially, the latter also by awarding special prizes in the sub-category “water”.

Oliver Hermes, President and Chief Executive Officer of the Wilo Group and Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Wilo-Foundation, this partnership is a logical step and ties in with the Wilo Group’s ongoing engagement on the African continent: “Having been a proud partner of the Enactus World Cup 1 Race 4 Oceans for the past two years, and a sponsor of the National Cups in India and Germany, we are convinced that the new ‘Action with Africa’ race is a unique opportunity to promote the African Enactus community and its initiatives that benefit people on the ground.” Wilo has been working on the African continent for many years, being one of only 2 per cent of German companies which are active in Africa.


In national competitions, which take place annually, and during the international World Cup (October), Enactus student teams develop business projects that focus on the global 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the UN and present these projects to a jury consisting of experts and representatives of companies and foundations. The winning teams receive financial prizes, advice and mentoring support from committed volunteers of the corporate sponsors.

To watch the welcome message of Oliver Hermes at the kick-off event, please click here.

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