How can we make the transformation happen?

Wilo-Foundation supports climate study multimedia project of foundations platform F20.

The international foundations platform F20, which the Wilo-Foundation joined in 2021, has called on the heads of state and government of the G20 to set clear targets for the expansion of renewables by 2030. With wind and solar energy as the two primary sources renewable energy it would be possible to reach the renewable target of 70 per cent.

But how can the transition be achieved? Given the culminating climate and energy emergencies, existing energy policies are far from sufficient to reach agreed climate targets and to further upscale energy efficiency and the generation of renewable energies: this is the key message of a study conducted by the University of Sidney. The results of the “Limiting Global Warming to 1.5 °C: Renewable Target Mapping for the G20” study, which was commissioned by the F20 platform, were published during the G20 summit in Indonesia on a multimedia website. The website was realised with financial support from the Wilo-Foundation. It provides a vivid and graphic overview of the evidence-based renewable energy targets of the G20, presents concrete recommendations for achieving these targets by 2030, and in this way makes them accessible to a large international audience.

In the light of the recent G20 summit in Indonesia and in times of obvious urgency for more sustainable energy, the international foundations platform F20 is calling on the heads of state and government of the G20 to accelerate the energy transition, which is key for the implementation of the Paris climate agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations.

The findings of the study are available here.

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