Netherlands: Wilo-Foundation supports JINC

Support programmes for young people to give them a good start to their professional life.

The Dutch organisation JINC wants to help build a society in which a child’s background does not determine their future. A society in which every child gets a fair chance. In order to reach that goal, JINC supports socially disadvantaged children and youth aged 8 to 16 to acquire the necessary skills early on in life, enabling them to have a good start to their professional life. Through the JINC programme they get acquainted with various professions, find out what kind of work suits their talents and learn how to apply for a job. In this way, JINC gives more than 63,000 children every year an opportunity to grow and develop individually.

JINC works with schools and business partners, including, since this year, Wilo Netherlands. As part of the collaboration, employees of Wilo Netherlands are working as volunteers in various JINC programmes. For Elin Molenaar, HR Specialist of Wilo Netherlands, this is clearly a win-win situation: “We are pleased that our staff can pass on their expert knowledge to young people and provide practical support. At the same time, it makes them feel they can give back to society and prepare young people for starting their career.”

In addition to the support provided locally by Wilo staff, the Wilo-Foundation has also become a financial sponsor of JINC, initially for a three-year period. This will enable the implementation of various programmes and projects aimed at helping young people succeed in the workplace.


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