Togo: village celebrates inauguration of a well

Thanks to support from Wilo-Foundation and Wilo, Klologo health centre has access to water.

The villagers of Klologo had long been waiting for this special day, and on 17 September 2022 their patience was rewarded: children and families, together with many invited guests, including representatives of the German Embassy in Togo, local staff of Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) from Lomé and regional and municipal representatives and dignitaries, celebrated the inauguration of the third deep well in Klologo. The Wilo-Foundation, one of the main sponsors of the project, was present too: Communications & Funding Projects Manager David Höltgen participated in the inauguration event at the invitation of its funding partner, the Kekeli Togo association from Hof, Bavaria, as the Wilo-Foundation had enabled the construction of the third well with its financial support. Thanks to the solar-powered pump (a donation in kind from the Wilo Group) the remaining three village districts with their approximately 5,000 inhabitants now have access, like the health centre, to clean water. The day of the inauguration, 17 September 2022, was a day of celebration therefore, with live music, dance performances, and many speeches and words of welcome – a day that will be remembered for years to come.

Back in 2020, the first two wells were inaugurated and have been supplying water for the inhabitants of three village districts ever since. This was made possible by the association Kekeli Togo based in Hof, Germany, with many regional donations and a solar-powered pump, also donated by the Wilo Group. With the newly inaugurated third well at the health centre, in combination with the piping system that was set up by the villagers themselves, the village now has 23 water access points, including at the school in the village centre. The structure of the elevated water tank of the third well with a storage capacity of 10,000 litres was also built by members of the community. For Michel Frenzel-Assih from Hof, founder and chairman of the non-profit association Kekeli Togo, this day represents a milestone for Klologo’s development: “I am overwhelmed and full of joy that everyone in Klologo now has access to water, and that this also protects livelihoods. This opens up many new opportunities, especially for children: they can go to school every day, their nutrition is secured, and, with hand-washing stations and latrines at the school, vital hygiene facilities are in place.”

In addition to hygiene training sessions and other health-related awareness-raising measures, the association’s engagement focuses on empowering young women and girls. A committee set up for that purpose works to ensure that girls, after leaving school, can do an apprenticeship or, through microcredits, have an opportunity to manufacture their own products and set up a small business. Just recently, all of Klologo was connected to the internet and a newly constructed training room was equipped with computer terminals.

David Höltgen, who during his visit to Togo had an opportunity to talk about the Wilo-Foundation’s social engagement on the African continent with the German Ambassador to Togo Matthias Veltin, gained a hands-on and vivid impression of the connection between water and education: “Water is the basis of life, and education provides livelihoods. The developments in Klologo are impressive proof that access to drinking water and good hygiene have a direct impact on development prospects and educational opportunities.”

The senior villagers responsible for the project, the village development committee (Comité Villageois du Développement, CVD) and the village chief Togbui Messan Robert Gati IV continue to involve the inhabitants of Klologo actively in the project work and strive to align the project activities with concrete needs on the ground. With all villagers now having access to water, the foundations for this have been laid, and the way has been paved for a healthy, self-determined future.

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