German-Mongolian exchange of experts

The third Murun Water Conference took place as a hybrid event at the Municipal Training Centre for Sustainability, Ecology and Vocational Training in Murun.

On October 14 and 15, 2021, the third Murun Water Conference, organized by the non-profit association Khuvsgul Club Germany e.V. together with the cities of Murun (Monogolia) and Baruth/Mark (Germany), took place as a hybrid event in Mongolia. The venue was the Municipal Training Center for Sustainability, Ecology and Professional Development of the cities of Baruth/ Mark and Murun.

The first conference day was opened by Evi Hoch (Wilo-Foundation) and on the second day Gero Böhmer (WILO SE, G&PA) welcomed the guests. Furthermore, the mayor of Murun, Mr. Batbayar Batar welcomed the participants and emphasized the importance of the lived town-twinning from a municipal point of view. During the two-day event, which was financially supported by the Wilo-Foundation, scientists such as Prof. Dr. Nowak, (Potsdam University of Applied Sciences, Department of Water Resources Management), Dr. O. Mendbayar (University of Mongolia, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Department of Water Resources Management, Ulan Bator) and Prof. Dr. Dashzeren (Head of Permafrost Research at the Institute of Geography and Geoecology in Ulan Bator) presented on the following topics:

  • Water/Sewage as a Cornerstone of Sustainable Urban Development in Murun
  • Flooding and flood protection for Murun
  • Sustainable waste management in the Aimag and Murun
  • The future of Khuvsgulsee as a water reserve and sustainable tourism region

On the latter topic, a funding partner of the Wilo-Foundation also had a chance to speak: Dr. Thomas Schaefer from the Global Nature Fund gave a presentation on the topic "Global Eco - Devshilt NGO - Presentation of the project on sustainable waste management for tourist camps in Lake Khuvsgul National Park".


The city of Baruth / Mark has a town twinning with Murun in Mongolia since 2011. The focus is on the exchange of knowledge and technology for water supply and wastewater treatment. 

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