2022 World Robot Olympiad in Dortmund

Wilo-Foundation continues to support global robotics competition for young people.

Technology & tinkering: from 17 to 19 November, more than 360 teams from all over the world demonstrated their technological skills in the International Final of the World Robot Olympiad (WRO) at the Dortmund exhibition hall. The International Final takes place annually at different major locations around the world, including most recently in Montréal (2020), Chiang Mai (2018) and Delhi (2016). This year, WRO was held in Germany for the first time. Almost 1,000 children and youth from 73 countries came to Dortmund to show their solutions and compete against other teams in different robotics competitions in several categories, where they presented the robot solutions they had developed for complex problems such as shooting balls, desinfecting surfaces or programming drones.

As part of its activities to empower young talents and promote STEM education, the Wilo-Foundation supported the International WRO Final 2022 in Dortmund. Further sponsors included the Dortmund-based foundations KARL-KOLLE-Stiftung and Elmos-Stiftung, the Ministry of Economic Affairs of North Rhine-Westphalia and the city of Dortmund. According to estimates of the TECHNIK BEGEISTERT (“technology inspires”) association, who organised the event, some 3,000 visitors (in addition to the participants themselves) attended WRO free of charge, watched fascinating competitions and delved into the world of STEM, an acronym for science, technology, engineering and math.

This year, everyone was invited to join in: there were more “STEMtastic” side events than ever before, for example “interactive stations”, where visitors could try out their skills, practical workshops, fascinating live demonstrations, and interesting speeches, such as the presentation “My Robot and me – what will our lives look like in 2030?” by Jennifer Harnau, member of the Idea Management Team of the Wilo Group headquartered in Dortmund.

Evi Hoch, member of the Exceutive Board of the Wilo-Foundation also watched the competitions in the Dortmund exhibition hall and was impressed with the high level of the competitions, the overwhelming international response and the many interactive offers of numerous German that STEM education institutions organised around the competitions – a unique event in Germany: “WRO has brought together many children and youth from all over the world who were very keen to finally compete against each other after such a long preparation time due to the COVID-19 pandemic. But that was not all: WRO, which was held in Germany for the first time, also featured an outstanding programme of side events, encouraging children from the entire region to join in. A unique opportunity!” Mona Neubaur, Minister of Economic Affairs of North Rhine-Westphalia was also full of praise for the event: “It is important for the whole of society that young people develop an interest in STEM subjects and enjoy exploring them. It is the children and youth of today who will shape our country’s future.”

Organiser Markus Fleige also emphasised the idea of solidarity and collobaration: “Robotics provides answers for the future – simply because we work together to find solutions.” An estimated 5,000 people embarked on this search for solutions in the Dortmund exhibition hall. Markus Fleige was more than satisfied with the outcome: “These three days have been extraordinary.”


Since 2004, the World Robot Olympiad has been organised at the international level by the World Robot Olympiad Association Ltd. (in short: WRO Association) headquartered in Singapore. At the national level, WRO is organised by the WRO partner organisations; regional competitions are managed by local partners.

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