Focus Africa: Scholarships for water master theses

Wilo-Foundation supports three Water Engineering students of TU Berlin Campus El Gouna.

The support, which will be provided for the last time for the 2021/22 academic year, is again for master's theses by students from Africa whose content contributes to water management in Egypt or other countries in Africa. In this academic year, which is already underway, the coveted scholarship will be awarded to:

  • Ms. Rageemah Samie (South Africa): „Replenishing the Quantity of Groundwater through Artificial Recharge for Farming – Example from Zululand, South Africa“
  • Mr. Yosief T. Weldesilasie (Eritrea): „Assessment of bias-adjusted satellite rainfall data for rainfall-runoff modelling in the metropolitan city of Abidjan (Côte d’Ivoire)”
  • Mr. David Kibet Chelanga (Kenya): “Impact of Ground Fissures on the Water Level and Water Quality in the Rift Valley Surface Waters – a case study in Kenya”

As an accompanying action, it is again planned that the scholarship holders can discuss their theses with Wilo experts.In summer, on 20.08.2021, Evi Hoch (Wilo-Foundation) and Prof. Dr. Uwe Tröger presented the last certificates to the three scholarship holders from the past academic year 2020/21 at the TU Berlin. The certificates for the master theses with focus on "Water & Africa" went to:

  • Pricilla Arthur (Ghana): “Use of fuzzy filters for filtration of surface water for artificial recharge”
  • Messele Gebreejesus (Ethiopia): “Water distribution systems related to leakage control and water management system in Ethiopian cities “
  • Michael Boles (Egypt): „Simulation and Efficiency assessment of one WWTP in Egypt”

Two of the scholarship holders had also taken the opportunity to digitally present their work to Wilo water experts Umesh Kulkarni (GM, WM/I, India), Tobias Duckheim (Research Engineer Hydraulics) and Gero Böhmer (G&PA) at the beginning of the year.Background: Since 2018, the Wilo-Foundation has been awarding annual scholarships to the advanced master's program "Water Engineering" at the TU Berlin Campus El Gouna in Egypt, a branch of the Technische Universität Berlin. Here, students learn the ability to develop innovative as well as sustainable approaches to the various challenges of the water sector, especially in arid and semi-arid climates. With the financial support, the students can write their master's thesis in Germany at the TU Berlin in close exchange with the professors. This will enable them not only to engage in scientific exchange, but also to engage in intercultural exchange and get to know the German capital. In 2022, the program and the activities of TU Berlin in El Gouna will end.

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