Ghana: drinking water supply in Bono and Ashanti

Wilo-Foundation supported student initiative for restoring the water supply.

Through its funding, the Wilo-Foundation contributed to the water supply and maintenance project of the association Technik ohne Grenzen based in Höchstadt, Germany, giving several Ghanaian communities access to the water supply.

In the Bono and Ashanti Regions in Ghana, many villages depend on boreholes for their drinking water supply. However, existing boreholes are not fully functional or cannot be used at all due to their poor water quality, broken pumps or low water flow rate. Initially, the aim of the project carried out by the association Technik ohne Grenzen (“technology without borders”) was the rehabilitation of six boreholes in the period June to December 2024, in order to give several communities in the Ghanaian Bono and Ashanti Regions access to safe drinking water. When it became clear that communities in the surrounding area were in need of support as well, 16 boreholes instead of the planned six were rehabilitated and repaired.

Rehabilitation was a challenging task since the boreholes were clogged with lime, iron and manganese oxide and had been inoperative for many years. The project for the rehabilitation of wells in the Ghanaian communities was coordinated and planned by the association’s regional group from Bayreuth, which consisted of student volunteers. Thanks to the association’s work, calcifications could be dissolved and the boreholes’ pumping capacity enhanced. Another central aim of the project, in addition to repairing and rehabilitating boreholes, was to share technical knowledge. That is why training sessions on borehole maintenance for local communities were organised (“helping people to help themselves”), enabling them to carry out future repairs themselves.

During the project period from June to December 2024, boreholes in 12 communities in the Bono and Ashanti Regions were repaired and rehabilitated, giving local inhabitants access to safe drinking water.


The association Technik ohne Grenzen e.V. works to advance technological progress in many disadvantaged countries. Student volunteers use their technical knowledge and expertise in various activities, for instance repairing wells, setting up water supply systems or installing solar cells. They provide support in countries such as Ghana, Ecuador or Kenya and help to improve living conditions for local communities.

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