
Focus topics in education

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Promoting talents - building future skills

“Empowering young people” is our guiding principle as we support projects along the education chain: from daycare centres and schools up to issues like study and careers guidance and vocational training. We help young people to hone their abilities, develop their talents and discover their preferred skills and interests early in life.

In particular, we provide funding to programmes that support children and youth through individual assistance and advice. Such programmes give young people an opportunity to gain practical insights into different professions and fields of study, explore topics that are relevant for the future, and apply their digital skills. In order to encourage forward-looking learning, we support outstanding education initiatives and motivated schools in the implementation of scientific, technological and digital projects that seek to promote equality of opportunity.

Current projects

The project focuses on pupils in Dortmund who take an interest in technical matters, giving them an opportunity to enhance their knowledge and apply their creative potential in the fields of electrical engineering and technology.

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Cedarburg is getting ready for the future: maker spaces, virtual reality and multimedia teaching concepts enable students and teachers to learn new skills that benefit their future.

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In line with its mission to promote young talents and STEM subjects, the Wilo-Foundation – together with WILO SE and the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (DASA) – is a sponsor of the regional "Jugend forscht" contest in Dortmund that takes place every year.

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