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Thanks to support from Wilo-Foundation and Wilo, Klologo health centre has access to water.

Wilo-Foundation supports global Social Entrepreneurship Cup, Wilo presents Water Awards.

Traditional get-together of Wilo rowers at the end of the WM finals in Prague.

Wilo-Foundation supports reforestation projects in Western Ghats near Pune.

Support programmes for young people to give them a good start to their professional life.

Wilo-Foundation supports construction of a well for a health centre in Togo.

Wilo-Foundation invited 50 Senegalese students to a field trip.

Wilo-Foundation supports Habitat for Humanity in Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Hungary.

Wilo-Foundation and Wilo Group renew their commitment as part of the Enactus World Cup.

Wilo-Foundation continues WASH funding with the One World group from Dortmund Aplerbeck.

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